2 Milestones in 10 Days

There have been significant milestones over the last several years in my "recovery" from fear...

This past couple of weeks there have been two of them!

First of all, a family member called me out the other night as we were in a discussion about where this country is heading.  I said that I wasn't afraid...  she said something like  "You??? You??? You're the most fearful person I know".  Man, was that a huge wake up call!  I have thought long and hard on that one... it rings in my ears!  Being called out is never fun, but God is using it to open my eyes.  Is that what I want to be known for?

The second... and most important... is just being able to see and hear one of our favorite pastors, Matt Chandler,  go through an enormous trial  (one that I have always been afraid of) with such a faith in God. The kind of faith that he has preached about for years.  His sermons have always helped me and pointed me to the truth that CHRIST IS EVERYTHING!!!

Matt had a seizure on Thanksgiving morning because of a brain tumor.  He had it removed this past Friday.  He and his wife Lauren have absolutely been shining a huge spotlight on our GREAT and SOVEREIGN GOD throughout this whole trial!

Watch this video that they made a couple of days prior to the surgery...  what a testimony!  I am thanking God for the Chandlers tonight...  still praying for them...  that God would continue to be their strength and their hope!



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