5:30 am
good as time as any to wake up
why does my puppy have to help me do yoga?
put him in his crate
with a treat
of course
sun is not up yet
body is not up yet
stretching helps
it's been so long since I've done this
body is tight
this hurts
keep stretching
keep paying attention to my breath
keep thanking God for each of these breaths
up and out
what might God have for me today?
how do i use the energy He has given me?
5:30 is early 
for me
it is quiet here
for now
beautifully quiet
this will end soon
this house is rarely quiet
the day will start for all my people soon
this quiet that i feel now?
any possible way i can carry it
through the day
in my soul?
my soul finds rest in Him
no matter the circumstance
no matter the noise
the "to do" list is long
always overwhelming
rest sweet soul
breathe like you do on the mat
Punkie is hollering for you?
deep breath
mountain of laundry?
deep breath
running late again?
maybe try not to run late today
either way
the potential to do good today is there
His mercies are new
Barrett is now barking at something outside
pathetically barking
of course
need to shut him up
smile when you do it
this is the day that the Lord has made
let us rejoice 
and breathe
don't forget to breathe


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