A Very Present Father

Sitting in Dad and Mom's room.
Dad is resting peacefully.
Mom is asleep... sitting straight up of course.
Today has been a rough one for me.
Crying like I didn't know I could.

I just think it feels a little like it does when you are on your last day of vacation.  You go out to enjoy the last sunset or the beach one more time... but in the enjoyment there is sadness...knowing it will all be over soon.

Now... multiply that times a thousand.  I keep thinking how much I am gonna miss him, and then I think to myself  "He's still here silly -- go and sit on the bed and hold his hand again".

He's beautiful ya know?!
So cute...
So funny...
So very beautiful!

We were talking about golf a few minutes ago.  He brought up that the last time he golfed he fell down... which is so true and was so funny!  I was golfing with Andrew and Dad was riding in the cart with me. He insisted I let him hit the ball. He took one swing... missed... and slowly began to fall over.  I jumped up and ran to catch him. We both fell to the ground slowly... and laughed so hard.  I love it that he remembered that today. Special moments with my dad.

In the midst of the sadness today, I have heard from a couple of people who mean the world to me. God is so very good about sending the right people to say the right things at just the right time!

I realize that, for today... I have a very present father right here in this room.
I also realize today, more than ever... I have a very present Father in Heaven who draws near to the brokenhearted.

Here is the song that is running through my head today. Make sure you pause the music that's playing on this blog (at the bottom of this page) before you watch the video.

Thank you God for being my refuge and my strength. You are faithful God... forever!


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