Please Pray
Please pray for/with us!
Dad is still here.
He hasn't eaten or drank anything since Sunday.
The Hospice nurse told us today he is pretty much in a coma.
I am so tired.
Mom is so very tired.
Dad just keeps getting thinner and thinner.
Alayna woke me up in the middle of the night last night...
Dad's breathing was different.
After I woke up, I couldn't get back to sleep.
Anxiety just kicked in and wouldn't let up.
I understand that God has had the time for Dad's departure set up since before the world began.
We are just begging Him for that time to be real soon.
Family is on standby.
A phone call away.
Seems like all of our lives are on standby right now.
Your prayers on our family's behalf are worth more than gold to us.
I realized something yesterday... while driving in the car.
My life will never be the same.
There is a certain sadness that has entered...
I don't think that sadness will go away.
I can't tell you that I hate the feeling.
It's just different...
Knowing that from this point on, there will be songs, games, places etc. that remind me of my dad.
And I will get teary eyed...
And I will miss that man...
And I will have a very good reason to cry.
It's not all bad.
I think it will just be the new normal.
What is normal anyway?
We live in a broken world.
Death is more real to me now than ever before.
God is also more near to me now than ever before.
He is in the brokenness.
He sent his son to die for the brokenness.
That we might have life.
Eternal life.
Just think...
My dad is on the very brink of walking into that eternal life.
Simply amazing!
Dad is still here.
He hasn't eaten or drank anything since Sunday.
The Hospice nurse told us today he is pretty much in a coma.
I am so tired.
Mom is so very tired.
Dad just keeps getting thinner and thinner.
Alayna woke me up in the middle of the night last night...
Dad's breathing was different.
After I woke up, I couldn't get back to sleep.
Anxiety just kicked in and wouldn't let up.
I understand that God has had the time for Dad's departure set up since before the world began.
We are just begging Him for that time to be real soon.
Family is on standby.
A phone call away.
Seems like all of our lives are on standby right now.
Your prayers on our family's behalf are worth more than gold to us.
I realized something yesterday... while driving in the car.
My life will never be the same.
There is a certain sadness that has entered...
I don't think that sadness will go away.
I can't tell you that I hate the feeling.
It's just different...
Knowing that from this point on, there will be songs, games, places etc. that remind me of my dad.
And I will get teary eyed...
And I will miss that man...
And I will have a very good reason to cry.
It's not all bad.
I think it will just be the new normal.
What is normal anyway?
We live in a broken world.
Death is more real to me now than ever before.
God is also more near to me now than ever before.
He is in the brokenness.
He sent his son to die for the brokenness.
That we might have life.
Eternal life.
Just think...
My dad is on the very brink of walking into that eternal life.
Simply amazing!