One Life Can Impact So Many
Some might say my mom has a "simple faith". Actually, that is what she calls it. I would say her faith and trust in our God truly are the furthest thing from simple ~ She has a deep, beautiful, trust in a very personal Savior. I can tell you this... she hasn't ever read Systematic Theology or studied The Doctrines of Grace, but if you have had an encounter with my mom, you have had an encounter with Jesus.
I am the baby of 5 children... not an accident, a pleasant surprise :)! The span between me and my oldest brother is 18 years. He was going into the Air Force when I was born. Needless to say, when I came into the world, my mom was already a very busy lady. With kids in high school, jr. high, elementary school, and a full time job, she definitely had her hands full. I have to tell you though, she was never stretched too thin to have time for me.
She was a rocker. Not like "hard rock music" rocker... but "sit in a rocking chair and rock me until I fell asleep" rocker. It was in that black wooden rocking chair that I learned so many of our great old hymns. Some of Mom's favorite ones to sing to me were "How Great Thou Art", "Amazing Grace", and "Old Rugged Cross". I knew them all so well... and then passed them along to our 4 children as we wore out our Lazy Boy Rocker.
On the first day of Kindergarden I asked Mom to take care of Freddy (my ultimate favorite Teddy Bear... he still lives today ~ in spite of the torture that my big brother used to put him through).
Mom said she would be glad to take care of him. Come to find out, that lady not only watched out for my little Freddy, she rocked that Teddy to sleep... she still talks about it! That's why we love Punkie!
Through all of my growing up years, one thing was certain, my mom had the gift of serving and hospitality. Our house was always open ~ and people were always stopping by. She never made a small amount of food for supper. A big pot of chili or vegetable soup was frequently on the stove. I'm pretty sure our friends could smell it from afar, because our house was NEVER empty.
And... if you were a guest at our house, you received the royal treatment for sure. She loved and still loves to serve anyone who comes her way.
Prov. 31 states that a Godly Woman is one that is up before dawn and does not let her lamp go out at night. Yep... that's Punkie ~ We are still baffled as to how she can go on 4 hours of sleep and have such a happy heart!
Mom lost her mother in a car accident when she was 13. I can't imagine. She has so many neat memories of her mom, and yet has never really felt sorry for herself about her mom's death. She truly is a woman that believes that her God is in control and trustworthy.
Over the years, our family has had our ups and downs, but I can honestly say that my mom has been a rock ~ or should I say, has been standing on a rock ~ trusting in her Savior Jesus Christ.
Today, she and my dad live with us. Dad is 84 and difficult to take care of. Mom is a trooper though... it's midnight right now and I can hear her downstairs playing cards with our niece -- Energizer Bunny, I tell ya!
How in the world can I possibly say "Thanks" to my mom for all she has done over the years?
For you Mom,
I just want to let you know how very thankful I am for the absolute unconditional love that you have had for me (and our whole family) over the years. You have taught us all what it means to trust God and live for others. Along with the flowers we will plant in our backyard, I wanted to do something extra special to honor you this Mother's Day.
Because I know how much you care about the things that God cares about, I have made a donation to As Our Own in your honor. This monetary donation will go to help precious little 3 and 4 yr. old girls be rescued from a life of slavery in the brothels of India! They will be cared for with as much love as you have had for all of your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. They will be well fed, given an education, and most importantly, pointed toward Jesus Christ.
It just seems fitting to give this donation in honor of the woman who has given so selflessly over the years.
Happy Mother's Day Mom...
I love you dearly!
Kevin and I are so very thankful that we were introduced to this way of honoring our moms this Mother's Day.
Here is an excerpt from Amanda Jones' blog, the person who first came up with this brilliant idea...
I am the baby of 5 children... not an accident, a pleasant surprise :)! The span between me and my oldest brother is 18 years. He was going into the Air Force when I was born. Needless to say, when I came into the world, my mom was already a very busy lady. With kids in high school, jr. high, elementary school, and a full time job, she definitely had her hands full. I have to tell you though, she was never stretched too thin to have time for me.
She was a rocker. Not like "hard rock music" rocker... but "sit in a rocking chair and rock me until I fell asleep" rocker. It was in that black wooden rocking chair that I learned so many of our great old hymns. Some of Mom's favorite ones to sing to me were "How Great Thou Art", "Amazing Grace", and "Old Rugged Cross". I knew them all so well... and then passed them along to our 4 children as we wore out our Lazy Boy Rocker.
On the first day of Kindergarden I asked Mom to take care of Freddy (my ultimate favorite Teddy Bear... he still lives today ~ in spite of the torture that my big brother used to put him through).
Mom said she would be glad to take care of him. Come to find out, that lady not only watched out for my little Freddy, she rocked that Teddy to sleep... she still talks about it! That's why we love Punkie!
Through all of my growing up years, one thing was certain, my mom had the gift of serving and hospitality. Our house was always open ~ and people were always stopping by. She never made a small amount of food for supper. A big pot of chili or vegetable soup was frequently on the stove. I'm pretty sure our friends could smell it from afar, because our house was NEVER empty.
And... if you were a guest at our house, you received the royal treatment for sure. She loved and still loves to serve anyone who comes her way.
Prov. 31 states that a Godly Woman is one that is up before dawn and does not let her lamp go out at night. Yep... that's Punkie ~ We are still baffled as to how she can go on 4 hours of sleep and have such a happy heart!
Mom lost her mother in a car accident when she was 13. I can't imagine. She has so many neat memories of her mom, and yet has never really felt sorry for herself about her mom's death. She truly is a woman that believes that her God is in control and trustworthy.
Over the years, our family has had our ups and downs, but I can honestly say that my mom has been a rock ~ or should I say, has been standing on a rock ~ trusting in her Savior Jesus Christ.
Today, she and my dad live with us. Dad is 84 and difficult to take care of. Mom is a trooper though... it's midnight right now and I can hear her downstairs playing cards with our niece -- Energizer Bunny, I tell ya!
How in the world can I possibly say "Thanks" to my mom for all she has done over the years?
For you Mom,
I just want to let you know how very thankful I am for the absolute unconditional love that you have had for me (and our whole family) over the years. You have taught us all what it means to trust God and live for others. Along with the flowers we will plant in our backyard, I wanted to do something extra special to honor you this Mother's Day.
Because I know how much you care about the things that God cares about, I have made a donation to As Our Own in your honor. This monetary donation will go to help precious little 3 and 4 yr. old girls be rescued from a life of slavery in the brothels of India! They will be cared for with as much love as you have had for all of your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. They will be well fed, given an education, and most importantly, pointed toward Jesus Christ.
It just seems fitting to give this donation in honor of the woman who has given so selflessly over the years.
Happy Mother's Day Mom...
I love you dearly!
Kevin and I are so very thankful that we were introduced to this way of honoring our moms this Mother's Day.
Here is an excerpt from Amanda Jones' blog, the person who first came up with this brilliant idea...
Rescuing children from horrific exploitation and eventual death from AIDS does not come without a cost. For those of you reading this, the cost is financial. For a team of believers on the ground in India, the cost is spiritual and physical. It takes roughly $184 per month for As Our Own to care for one precious little girl. Today I am looking for people who will partner with us by giving sacrificially to As Our Own. Let's equip them to do the work God has called them to do. They are anointed for this work. They are even training pastors to take up this cause so that the church in India will become a mighty advocate for these children. The momentum is building and I ask you to please be a part of what God is doing.
Honestly, it is easier not to know about these things. I could have written details in this post that would have made you sick for the rest of the week. What happens in that red-light district haunts me daily. But I will not turn away because it's easier. I will consider what is happening, how I can help, and I will take five minutes to go to As Our Own's new web site and actually do it. The beauty is that right now you and I can impact a child's future and honor our moms (or a special mother figure in our lives) at the same time. Who is with me?
Here’s a special way to say, “Thanks, Mom!”
STEP 1 :: Give to our Thanks, Mom! campaign to honor your mom on Mother’s Day, May 8.
STEP 2 :: In the donation comments box, tell us what you appreciate most about your mom.
STEP 3 :: Download a certificate for your mom that explains the gift you’ve made in her name.
About As Our Own
The extreme poverty in India places girls at great risk for exploitation, enslavement, and neglect. Girls are regularly abused and degraded, forced into lives of bonded labor, either in organized begging or the sex trade.
These girls will face a dark, horrific future—unless someone intervenes.
God has opened the door for As Our Own to rescue girls before they are exploited, giving us the privilege to care for each one as our own—for life. We are building strong communities through our Lighthouse church network and training strong leaders and pastors at our Hope College, all to break these cycles for girls in future generations.
Your gifts make a lasting difference for these girls. Thank you!