Go Ahead... Stand On A Chair!

Alyssa and Kessa are here.
She (Alyssa that is) just sat down at the piano...
Playing Grace Flows Down.
It was beautiful.
Asked her if she would play my favorite...
Help Me To Find You by Todd Fields.
A song that we learned at Passion '05.
We sang it in our leader's group.
Had never heard it before.
I think it is one of my all time favorites.
When Lys plays it, I stand up on a chair...
I am not even kidding (there are people who have witnessed this...).
And sing it at the top of my lungs...
It ain't pretty.
But I don't rightly care.
The kids don't even laugh at me...
They know I mean business.
After singing today, I found it on youtube.
Just want to share it with you!
Feel free to stand on a chair and sing once you catch on :)!!!


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