One Last Tribute... Kathy Kaye!!!

My only sister!

She thinks I will have nothing to say about her... believe me, I have plenty!
Kath is 13 years older than I am, and I am pretty sure I have been following along in her footsteps my whole life.  From being a majorette, to homeschooling, to reformed theology...  the way that she has lived has so much shaped who I am!  
Of all of the women I have talked about so far, I have to say...  she is my favorite!  Can I say that :)??? 
All of the others have come in and out of my life due geographics and circumstances beyond our control...  but Kath...  she has been the one "constant" in my life.  She has always been there...  no matter how far apart we live!  
One of her gifts is that she is such a good listener...  and we all know that is a must if you are in my life :)...  she will listen, and listen, and listen some more... and then have such encouraging words to say at that end, always pointing me back to Christ!
I can remember being on a walk with her before God saved Kevin.  I didn't have the faith at that time that Kevin could be saved.  She said to me "Kevin is more than likely chosen by God, because he is being exposed to the truth all over the place."  Kathy had faith in a big huge God that was in the business of saving sinners...  enough faith for me and her both!  
Her words so impacted my life when I was struggling with all my fears of illness. I just thought that I was a walking hypochondriac, and that is how everyone else saw me.  She gently reminded me that my fears did not define me!  I was and still am defined by the fact that Christ lives in me...  I am a beloved, holy, chosen one of God!  
One phrase that Kath uses over and over... I think she learned it from one of her mentors...  is "Don't doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light".  Again, I have to be reminded of that so often!  We believe God has clearly shown us the way in some area of our lives, and then as soon as it gets hard or difficult, we doubt. 
I not only pray that I can be a person who doesn't doubt, but that I can point others to the truth that without faith it is impossible to please God.  I know my sister pleases God with her faith in Him.  
I have to mention that she is also an absolute BLAST to be around!  Her kids will even attest to that!  We have had more fun times together over the years...  she has a "killer" sense of humor :)!  She is also not a bad songwriter or author.  God has given her some kind of imagination and it is fun to see it play out in her and her family's lives :)! 
I am thankful that 40 years ago, Kathy prayed for a baby sister (she even wore pink pajamas the whole time mom was pregnant).  And will be forever grateful for her continuing to pray for me the last 40 years...  
I love you Kath!


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