Another Tribute... Laurie Doden

I am so excited to write about Laurie D.! If I had to use one sentence to describe her it would be "She walks with God"!

The first time I met her was in a youth leaders meeting at Blackhawk. we were told to write notes of encouragement to each other. Laurie wrote one to Kev and me (I still have it)... she signed her note "Desiring Him Alone"... and Oh, is that true in her life!

Laurie taught me so much about living for Christ every waking moment! I remember being at her house for bible study and thinking she was CRAZY for not having cable and not going to the movies. One time, somebody asked her if she was fasting from TV… her response was, "yes, I'm on a life-fast from TV." NO WAY could I EVER live like that! She explained to me that it isn't about saying "NO" to that stuff... it is about saying "YES" to Jesus! The more we draw near to Him and "taste and see that He is good", the more we notice the things of this world are not needed.

Man, did she teach me a LOVE for the Word of God... and to turn off my radio in the car (before cell phones btw!) and memorize scripture... to put verses up all over my house so that I can meditate day and night on Him!

I remember one time when I was feeling sorry for myself about a situation... she told me that we should always "look past the person's behavior and see through to his/her need and then BLESS that need."

She would say "Karen, you need to see this as a chance to die" she would quote John 12:24,25 where Jesus said "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

She was/is a world traveler... even took Alyssa on her first trip to Africa when she was 13. Laurie has such a heart for the Nations, and it is so fun to sit and listen to her tell stories of what God is doing all over the globe.

Spend just 15 minutes with Laurie and you will know that this woman has been with Jesus! I pray that one day, people can say the same of me.

Thank you Laurie for being such an example of what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit!


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