Prozac Detox Adventures

New day.
New thoughts.
New words.
Trying to do this every day.
Make myself write something.
My Prozac journey.
Coming off the darn stuff.
One week into it.
I've been on an antidepressant for three years now.
It has worked for me.
I went on the Prozac because at the time I couldn't stop crying.
Anxiety mixed with depression.
I was used to the anxiety.
But the crying???
I'm sure it had a whole lot to do with Dad's death.
There were other factors playing in.
Perfect storm.
I reluctantly took my first dose.
Within a couple of weeks I was functioning more like myself...
The tears had stopped.
I could go to the grocery store.
It was a welcome relief.
Since then, my anxiety and ocd has been up and down.
But, I will tell you what...
There have not been many tears.
Almost none.
Maybe a few.
But almost none.
I told my doctor last week that I am ready to feel again.
Ready to shed some tears...
On the dark days...
As well as the happy days.
One thing about my dad?
He wasn't afraid to shed a tear.
Grandkid's performing.
Guaranteed tears.
I haven't done that kind of a thing in a long while.
When I told Dr. G. about it, she said "Nope, that's not right."
Said it's time for that to change.
So here we are.
Counselor says my anxiety level is fine.
She believes it is time as well.
So here we are.
I may have snapped at Kev last night.
Then I reminded him of my detox.
He said it's gonna be ok.
We will get through it.
Doc says 6 weeks of the ups and downs.
Not to fret if I feel worse for a hot minute.
Is there ever a "good" time to do the detoxing?
Not sure.
But let's do this.
Oh, my poor cheerleaders.
The ocd was actually coming out last night at practice.
"Put your fingers together!"
If they thought I was picky about their motions before?
Well... it will make them even better.
And maybe even so good that I will shed a tear when they perform?
Here's hoping!


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