For A Season -- Part 2

Let me just say first... I have be so blessed by all the encouraging comments since the last post.

It was not easy putting myself out there like that. 

But your response... the grace and love that you all have shown me... helped to take away the fear.

I haven't been exactly sure what to tell you next.
So I picked up my journal today.
I thought I would just let you all in on what I was thinking/praying earlier this year.

June 1, 2014

Decision has been made.
One truckload has been delivered.  
We are heading to Fort Wayne in a week. 
So crazy. Kinda scary - 
And yet, it feels like we are going home.

Almost 8 years of living in Columbus.
Never quite felt settled here.
Never quite felt like we were supposed to buy a house and plant our roots here.

One thing after another kept us on our knees asking God just where He wanted us to be.
Honestly? I've always thought it would be South.
Warmth, sunshine and a whole lot of "y'all"s.
I seriously love a good "y'all"!

Funny how things work out.
God used the coldest, snowiest winter to show us we were supposed to move North.
Even crazier?
I am more than ok with it.
I will just keep watching Frozen.
The cold never bothered me anyway.

Last fall, Kev and I started asking these questions...
What season of life are we in?
What is best for our family in this season?

The bottom line is, we have my mom to take care of right now.
She would have been fine with us moving South.
But boy did her eyes light up when she found out we were talking Fort Wayne
It just seems right to get her back closer to home.
She loves it there.
Hanging out with old friends.
Seeing all kinds of family who absolutely adore her.
Cruising the little town of Oakwood with Aunt Luella.
We will even be a part of a church family that has a bible study for the "older, wiser" generation.
Mom hasn't had that in years.

I'm thankful for our time in Columbus.
We have laughed, cried, worshipped, wept.
- Our oldest got married.
- Granddaughters.
- Dance
- Baseball
-OSU students who love Jesus.
- Homeless friends.
- She Has A Name
- Night of Hope 1 & 2
- Watching Dad enter into Heaven
- Adventure
- Heartache
- Amazing friends that will indeed be friends forever.
- Our theology being built up, stripped down, and built up again... in love.
- So many people continually pointing us to Jesus through all the ups and downs.

 But just as the weather is warming up and the leaves are budding on the trees to usher in Summer...
So it is with the our family.

A new season is upon us.
There is no guarantees in where we are headed.
The only certainty we have right now is Jesus.
So we follow Him...
Through the good times and the bad.
He leads us from one season into the next.
Only He knows what the future holds.
In Him we have our confidence.
Thank you Jesus!

It is so good to go back and read just what I was thinking about and praying for that first day of June.
Amazing to see how God continues to lead us day to day... year to year.

Here is one of my favorite songs I often sing as our family journeys from season to season.


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