
Showing posts from 2014

A Letter To Dad (Year 2)

It's been 2 years since I held your hand. Since I snuggled with my daddy.  Those last few weeks of your life? I wouldn't change for anything. I love thinking about how we had the privilege of  Serving you. Singing to you. And saying goodbye as you took your last breath. What a gift. So hard.  But so beautiful! This past year started off pretty rough for me, Dad. I thought it would get easier. I was wrong. I just began to miss you even more. Mom did too. She loves you so! She's always telling everyone what a wonderful marriage you two had. She'll say something like... "We had nothing, and I mean nothing but good memories." Pretty sure she has even used the word "perfect" when talking about you! Ha Ha!!! I know you are laughing with me on that one. Although... can I tell you? I think you were pretty darn perfect too! That's what makes your absence from our lives so hard. Just know, your name ...

For A Season -- Part 2

Let me just say first... I have be so blessed by all the encouraging comments since the last post. It was not easy putting myself out there like that.  But your response... the grace and love that you all have shown me... helped to take away the fear. I haven't been exactly sure what to tell you next. So I picked up my journal today. I thought I would just let you all in on what I was thinking/praying earlier this year. June 1, 2014 Decision has been made. One truckload has been delivered.   We are heading to Fort Wayne in a week.  So crazy. Kinda scary -  And yet, it feels like we are going home. Almost 8 years of living in Columbus. Never quite felt settled here. Never quite felt like we were supposed to buy a house and plant our roots here. One thing after another kept us on our knees asking God just where He wanted us to be. Honestly? I've always thought it would be South. Warmth, sunshine and a whole l...

It's One Of Those Days

Sometimes a little post on Facebook or a 140 character tweet just isn't enough. Not enough to say all that is on my mind or in my heart. Today is one of those days... May 4, 2014. Today, I want to celebrate the birthday and life of our son-in-law.... K.G. I want to tell the world (or at least my family and friends) how thankful I am for Mr. Good. Let me start with how I met him. It was a cold February morning in 2008. My niece Christen and I were supposed to be road tripping it to D.C. There was a snow storm heading our way. I did NOT want to get out of bed. I remember laying there hoping that Christen would call and say we shouldn't go. My phone never rang. Turns out she was hoping I would call her as well. Didn't happen, and we found ourselves driving in the snow to volunteer for a Passion Conference that weekend... not understanding at the time how this trip would change the course of our Shock Family forever! We met Kevin Good and his friends tha...