For A Season

I wrote this blogpost back in December of last year.
I posted it... and took it down right after.
It was too scary to put myself out there like that.
God has brought me through so much since I wrote this.
I want to continue to write about all that has happened.
The journey I've been on in the past year.
So... I've put the blogpost back up.


People may say I've been distant.
Friends and family might agree.
Please don't take it personal.
Or be too quick to judge me.

The fact is…
God is working.
Stripping me down -- 
My soul,
My dreams,
My ego,
My selfishness,
(Ha… even talking about it here… seems so selfish.)

It's not easy being me.
Not easy being a "self proclaimed" narcissist.
Not easy being an "others proclaimed" hypochondriac.

This season of my life has brought those two traits way out into the spotlight.
Many tears have been shed over these two traits - my whole life…
Even if I haven't always known what to label them.

But God…
He is so gracious.

So gracious to give me…
A few real close friends who are willing to walk with me through this… and continue to cry with me, and laugh (at and with) me.

So gracious to give me…
A husband and kids who are patient and love me so… even when they think I am crazy.

So gracious to give me…
Others who understand, who've been there or are currently wrestling through the same things.
I have read books, blogs and listened to podcasts… so good to know I am not alone.

So gracious to give me…
Rest in the midst.
Laughter in the midst.
Hope in the midst.

And most importantly, Himself in the midst.

Only a perfect Father in Heaven could so gently and beautifully show me my sin, and how I've been running after the wrong things… things that will not satisfy.

It took a very close family member saying to me tongue and cheek -- 
Wait… what exactly does "tongue and cheek" mean?
Pause… I'm looking it up on Wikipedia :). --
Yes, I think she said it tongue and cheek…
Telling me "You've always wanted to be a celebrity. You've always wanted to be famous Karen."
I tried really hard not to take it seriously or be offended.

But God…
Used that little statement to radically call me to repentance.

I know that I say I want my life to be one that makes Jesus famous… that points to Him.
However, I am realizing more and more how easy it is to long for recognition -- even fame of some sorts.


Praise God that Jesus died for this.
And… I don't have to live under the condemnation of it all.

I know the Word of God says that "I am free".

And that is exactly what this season of my life is about for me…
Learning to live FREE.

Learning to live in the moment.
Not for a future fame or recognition.
Not to people please.
Not to make sure that I am on the "winning team".
Not trying to get others to like me.

But living today in the Mercy of Jesus.
His mercies are new every morning.
His love never fails.

Learning to live knowing that His love is enough.
His sacrifice on the cross was enough.
His Holy Spirit living in me is more than enough.

I know full well that this whole life is a journey…
And I will not reach any kind of perfection in my flesh this side of Glory.

But I am thankful that God is pleased to grow and stretch each of us along the way.


Karen, there is a vulnerability in every writer's choice to bare their heart openly. True, the risk is great. But it is in these moments that God peels away the layers of your heart and begins creating a new heart, a new you. You may never know at what level your words may have impacted another soul for Jesus. But how great that ours is only to be obedient in writing and sharing God's message of hope, God is the one who takes it and changes hearts.
Your raw honesty is refreshing and appreciated. May God take your words and bring others to look at themselves more closely, bringing them closer to being more like Jesus!

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