Dad was born 86 years ago today.
The first day of Spring.
Doesn't feel like Dad's birthday. doesn't feel like the first day of Spring either.
I guess I hadn't thought much about how this whole "Birthday" thing would play out.
Hadn't thought much about how this whole "Spring" thing would play out.
I knew Christmas was going to be hard because Dad loved it so much.
I just forgot about how much this time of year reminds me of him.
Spring was always all about Detroit.
We knew it was that time of year when Ernie Harwell was blaring on Dad's radio.
I loved it... Summer was coming!
And then there was the Pistons.
Never forget watching every one of their games with Dad in 1990.
He and I would take turns rocking Alyssa while we watched them become World Champs!
Spring also meant golf season was upon us.
I loved to go golfing with my dad.
Between the back and front 9... Dad would always get me a Mountain Dew and hotdog.
Best hotdogs ever!!!
I was thinking of how we could celebrate Dad today.
I would go out and buy a box of Ho-Hos, but they don't exist anymore :(.
Maybe a milkshake? Oh how he loved his milkshakes!
I think I will find me a way to get a great tasting hotdog and have a throw back Mountain Dew.
I will watch Abbot and Castillo "Who's on First?"
I will fill out my March Madness "Orv Wins" Bracket to best of my ability.
Sorry Dad... Michigan will NOT be in my final 4!
I really want to watch the video we played at his funeral... haven't seen it since then.
Tears will be shed... but I have to tell you, the deep sadness has lifted.
God has been gracious in that.
I do miss you Dad.
Our whole family misses you.
But... we wouldn't change the fact that you are celebrating your 1st of many birthdays with Jesus!
How cool is that?
Happy Birthday Dad!