
Showing posts from March, 2013
Dad was born 86 years ago today. The first day of Spring. Doesn't feel like Dad's birthday. doesn't feel like the first day of Spring either. I guess I hadn't thought much about how this whole "Birthday" thing would play out. Hadn't thought much about how this whole "Spring" thing would play out. I knew Christmas was going to be hard because Dad loved it so much. I just forgot about how much this time of year reminds me of him. Spring was always all about Detroit. We knew it was that time of year when Ernie Harwell was blaring on Dad's radio. I loved it... Summer was coming! And then there was the Pistons. Never forget watching every one of their games with Dad in 1990. He and I would take turns rocking Alyssa while we watched them become World Champs! Spring also meant golf season was upon us. I loved to go golfing with my dad. Between the back and front...

Celebrating 20 Years Today!

Yep... it's been 20 years. Crazy, I know.                          Seems fitting that we would be under a Winter Storm Warning today. Our wedding took place in the midst of what felt like the 'Blizzard of 93'. I remember standing downstairs a half an hour before the wedding was about to start, and asking my sister-in-law if anyone was even up there... it had been snowing since the night before.  She laughed and told me they were having to set up chairs in the very back.  I'm thinking people knew we all had something to celebrate that evening! After all, I was marrying THE KEVIN SHOCK... #9 on the DHS football and baseball teams.  The kid had stolen my heart a few years back, and I honestly couldn't believe that we were actually getting married! Not that it was all roses... you can read about our story here . It's just that God had a plan to lavishly shed His grace on us....