
Today I have been struggling.
Read one thing on Fox News this morning and my day has been completely turned upside down.
I hate hypochondria.

I am an anxiety struggler.
You know what stinks about it?
I hate that people see me like this.
Yep...  it's true.
I really do hate that you know this about me.

So why am I writing about it?
Because, I realize I am not alone on this...
No sense pretending I am someone that I am not.

If we can walk through these times together it will be better for all of us...

I've decided that I will not go into detail about what has been scaring me today...
Wouldn't want any other hypos to read it and freak out themselves :).
Doesn't matter anyway, when you have anxiety about your health, if it's not one thing, it's another.

What I am going to do in this post is just preach a little to myself...
Do you mind?
You can stop reading now if this kind of thing doesn't pertain to you :).

On the way home from Indy, Kevin was trying to help me,
Telling me to get my mind off of it...
To sing some songs that would put my mind on Jesus.
He was right and I knew it.

Honestly though,  I just didn't feel like it.
I wanted an answer instead...
Do I have this certain health issue?
How can I find out if this is real or not?
What Dr. can I call.

Then this verse came to mind...

Is. 41:10
Do not fear, for I with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I realized that I was anxiously looking about... trying to find answers to my fears.
I was not believing that God was with me.
And certainly not believing that He would uphold me in his hand!

I can get so down on myself when anxiety hits...
Just trying to figure out what is wrong with me and what is at the bottom of my fear.
I can make myself crazy with self analyzation.

It's really all about not trusting God.
Not believing He is with me.

We live in a world full of fear.
The Nightly News is just one scenario after another of why we should be afraid.
Seems like there is really nowhere to hide from it all.

I don't think that God wants us to run and hide.
I am sure He doesn't want us to obsess over our fears either.

If you know me very well, you know that one of my favorite pastors is Louie Giglio.
He just finished a series at PCC called 'Believe'.
In the four weeks of sermons, he describes his struggle with anxiety.
It is absolutely life changing!

So, if it is so great, why am I still struggling????
He discusses that in the sermons...
The fact that it is sometimes a lifelong process.
Love that I don't have to feel like such a loser because I don't have it all perfect yet.

Nope, what I have learned though, are some practical ways on how to turn to Jesus in the midst of the fear...
How to rest in the fact that my God knows that I live in a scary world and he cares deeply for me!

If you struggle at all with not trusting God would you take some time and watch these sermons?
I promise you that God will use these talks to give you so much hope...
Hope that can only be found in the person of Jesus!
It is an everlasting hope.

Tonight, I will probably still struggle.
But, I will put on my worship music and sleep with my bible right by my face...
Ready to lift my heart and my hands to the One who loves me and has my future in His hands!

Thanks for allowing me to preach to myself in this post!
I really do feel better.

Oh... and if you resonate with this and would like me to pray for you, just let me know!

Now... Here is the link.
Every sermon is amazing... I promise!

Cast all your anxiety on him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Unknown said…
Love you, friend. Just the way you are. Thanks for sharing tonight. Gonna share this post with my man. xoxoxoxo
Gabe Taviano said…
Thanks for sharing, Karen. You're definitely not alone. When you walk into a CVS or Walgreen's and see shelves lined (every day) of meds, you know this whole word is broken. I pray that you and I continue to remind ourselves that we were not made for this place. Death has no sting. The four of us need to hang out sometime and share some of the deeper things, if you want someone to just listen. I'll definitely be checking out this sermon series while working tomorrow. Thank you!!!
Unknown said…
Karen, thanks for the courage and humility to share. It is better when we do this stuff together. You rob all of us of a bit of God's glory, and the chance to share in HIS ministry if you keep it to yourself. I have temptations of my own toward anxiety and I will listen to Louie in the coming week.
Amy said…
I realized while I was reading this that I am a hypochondriac of sorts myself! Thanks for being raw with your struggles, that's what makes you YOU and I am so thankful to have you as a friend to walk through this with.
Unknown said…
Thanks for being so honest. I too struggle with anxiety on a daily basis & it is comforting to know I'm not alone.

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