Thankful Today For God's Timing

We are back from our cruise.  It was an amazing trip.  God's timing is so very perfect.  I just sat down to spend some time looking at all the msgs I received on Facebook... about Dad, about our trip, and for my birthday... so many people saying so many encouraging things.  Again, God's timing is so very perfect!

The funeral home and the memorial service were such a blessing to our family.  Seeing old and new friends/family show up to give us comfort and lots a hugs meant so much to all of us.

I came down with a nasty cold on Wednesday (the day of the memorial service).  I literally slept through the whole next day, knowing that I should be packing because we were leaving for Port Canaveral on Saturday.

Kevin kept reassuring me that we would get everything done in time to leave... and as always, my man was right.

When we went to board the plane the kids were where they were supposed to be, Mom was where she was supposed to be, and I knew for a fact I was right where I was supposed to be... heading to the caribbean!

We really did have a blast!  I will have to post some pics when I get a chance.  How can anyone say there is no God after seeing His stunning creation?!?!

We were totally disconnected from the outside world for most of the week... we did get a chance to check in on the kids on Thursday in Grand Cayman.  We were happy to find out that they were having a great time... as well as  missing us as much as we were missing them.

The week seemed to not go by too fast, which I loved.  Turns out seven days at sea is a long time.

We definitely overate!  We would have a huge, amazing meal for dinner and then order room service at 11pm... not because we were hungry, but because it was FREE and because we could :)!!!

The islands were beautiful.  You can't beat crystal blue water and white sandy beaches!

I have to say, I didn't think much about what had all transpired in the last month. We were too busy just  relaxing in the sun and having fun.

It really started to sink back in though when we drove down our street... just the realization that my dad wasn't going to be there when we got home.

It was so great to see our kids... and that they had cleaned the house for us (Andrew that is).

But somehow the house felt kind of empty... kind of cold.

Mom and I have a lot of loose ends to tie up this week...  even just going through Dad's medicines and clothes will be hard.

It is so good to know that even in the hard stuff, our God has been faithful, and will continue to be faithful as we walk down this road.

All that being said,
Today I am thankful...
For God's timing.
For His provision through this whole time.
For our friends and family who prayed us through this past month.
For the precious memories that we all had with our dad.
For a refreshing vacation.
For a birthday that was spent on the beach in Grand Cayman.
For a future Hope that comes from God alone.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot one...

I am so very thankful...
For a crisp Fall day in which I can take a walk and start to shed the many pounds I gained cruising!


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