A "Light Bulb" Moment

Have you ever had one of those "light bulb" moments?

One of those "ding, ding, ding - wake up... what have I been thinking?"  kind of moments???

When it comes to my relationship with Jesus, that is just what has been happening with me of late.

I am thick headed though, so maybe it just hasn't been a "moment"... takes a little longer for me.  I'd say more like a process.

A few months ago I heard a sermon by Louie Giglio about how so many times we see Jesus/God as this intimidating boss in the sky.  You know, the one who we go to with our requests hoping he grants us what we are asking for... then we just walk away saying "glad that's over".

This Jesus that we are talking about is the same one  who in Revelation 3:20 says...
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with me."

He wants relationship.  He wants to sit down and dine with me.  Intimate, caring, loving... spending time with me... that is our God.


As I listened to the podcast while out on my morning walk, I realized that I have been seeing Him differently than a boss sitting behind a desk or a loving Father who wants to spend time with me.

No... for the last several years, I have been seeing Him as the great professor in the sky.

Let me explain...

I have learned so much theology -- don't get me wrong, theology isn't a bad thing -- we ALL have some sort of theology -- it's what comes to mind when we think about God... and we ALL think about God.

I have read so many books, done bible studies, listened to sermons... again, all good things.

What I am wondering is... how did it get to the point where I am so worried that I just might have the wrong theology?

I have been looking at all of this like I am just a student of God -- He is my professor, sitting at His desk, ready to grade me on my knowledge of Him.

Should women wear head coverings?
Should we sell everything and give all we have to the poor?
Can we drink alcohol?
Did God choose us, or did we have some choice in it?
Can a woman stand and teach in front of men?
Should I (being a woman) speak up in small group?
Is there an age of accountability?
New earth or old earth?
To speak in tongues or not?
Have the gifts ceased?
What authors am I supposed to read?
What podcast should I be listening to?
Who's in?  Who's out?
What's right? What's wrong?

You see, if I am going to get graded on all of this, I better get an A!!!
I am scared of that stupid final exam. Scared I might waste my time this semester hanging in the wrong study groups with the wrong kids... the ones who are reading the wrong books.

 I want to be right.  I want to be smart!  Is that so wrong???

Well... I think I need to look at my motives.

Funny, as I am writing this, I realize... this IS my theology... this is the way that I have been viewing God.

Another heavy burden I have put on my own back.

The God of the Universe IS calling us to KNOW HIM -- to "TASTE AND SEE THAT HE IS GOOD", to come in and dine with him.

He is not a just a boss or an old professor just waiting to give me an "F".

He loves me.
He loves you.
He loves us.

He longs for us to know Him.

You see, I long for more than just having a bunch of information "about God".  I want to be on my knees asking God to reveal Himself to me... in new and fresh ways.

So... I will keep on reading my bible, listening to podcasts, taking notes from our sermons on Sundays, and participating in our small group.

I am just praying for my focus to change.  Change from wanting to know all ABOUT God (so I can be the smart student) to wanting to KNOW JESUS, the one who saved my life and brought me up out of the pit.... rescued me from darkness... to dine with Him for all of eternity.

If this resonates with you at all... take some time to watch this sermon.


I have to tell you... this has been such a "life changing -- light bulb" process for both me and Kevin... and I pray that God would continue to open our eyes... and yours... to just how AMAZING HE REALLY IS!!


Jennica said…
I love this! I went through a 'student' phase from 2005-2009. Just learning and learning and not loving. It wasn't until you shared the Heart Matters sermon that my eyes were finally opened! I have so much to learn now about love and kindness and compassion :)
Thanks for being such a willing {and open} vessel sister!

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