
Showing posts from December, 2011


We were all sitting around the kitchen table last night when it happened. I was called out for my addiction. Actually, I think our whole family was called out on it. The conversation was about what it means to have an addiction. Our young friend, who was sitting at the table, said very bluntly "I know what your addicted to." I immediately braced myself for what would come out of her mouth next... Sugar?  Yes. Caffeine?  Yep. Chocolate?  Of course. Sleep?  Probably. Then it came out... "You are addicted to God." Yes.... it's true. I am absolutely addicted to God. Just looked up the definition of "addicted". Smiled when I read it. ad·dict·ed /əˈdiktid/ Adjective: Physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects. Enthusiastically devoted to a particular thing or activity. Thought it was funny when she first said it. She believes ...

Celebrating The Gift

Thanks so much for all the kind comments and for your prayers this past week. In case you didn't know... our sweet 5 month old great nephew passed away 1 week ago today. Dima Lee Heilshorn  My brother Bob (the grandpa) asked me to speak at the memorial service. Oh... Can I tell you?  It was so difficult. But God was gracious to give me the words. Just wanted to share them with you... On Wed. night as we sat at the kitchen table with Bob and Jean, Bob told us that he was going to be the one to do the memorial service.  I asked him if he was sure that he could handle it.  After all, this is his grandchild we were talking about.  Maybe we should have someone else step in.  He said that Katie (his daughter/the mother) wanted him to do it... and he wanted to honor her.   He then preceded to tell me he wanted ME to help him.   "Who me?" "Yep... you".   Since Katie had lived with us during her pregnancy, he f...

18 Years? Really?

Due to extenuating circumstances, this post is coming a day late... Oh Drew! Happy 18th Birthday!!! (all the exclamation marks are just for you... I know how much you love them!) Our little "Drewbie Doo" Or as Aunt Kathy calls you... "Scooby Drew" Or your dad calls you...  "Drewders" Or Billy..."Jocelyn"... very long story. Or your cousins... "Gust"  (pronounced Goost).... another long story. Or Kessa... "Uncle Gust" !8 years ago my life changed forever. You... our sweet baby boy entered into our lives. After an emergency c-section... You were taken to to a hospital an hour away from Defiance. We were told... "broken blood vessel or aneurism on your brain". Your dad stood at the other end of the room in tears... I sat in my hospital bed in shock. After many tests, they said it was "apnea" and sent you home with us. The medications made you uncomfortable. You wou...

The Leveraged Life

Heroes... seems like they are hard to come by today. Over the years I have asked God to bring older women into my life that can mentor me and "show me how to walk out my faith". He has been so good to do just that... always at just the right time. Let me tell you, I can sometimes feel like a misfit in the whole "christian woman" category. Seems like God has gifted me in ways that just don't seem to fit the mold. It can make me feel crazy. Enter into the picture... Shelley Giglio.     Seriously, she is a woman after my own heart. It all started when God began to reveal Himself to our family in huge ways through her husband. Somehow, in the midst of e-mailing back and forth with Louie... Kevin and I met Shelley. When we meet her,  we realized quickly that she is so very normal... and yet her faith in God is so very extraordinary. I have learned so much from her.  I keep telling her she needs to write a book. The last time I said th...

Happy Birthday Lance!

Mr. Alanson Joshua David Shock. Today... we celebrate you! 12 years old. Some call you Alanson. Some call you Lance the Pance. Some call you Mance. Grandpa Orv calls you Twerp. One sweet little girl calls you Uncle Mance. Whatever your name is... today I want you to know that you are so very loved... by so many! I remember the day you were born.   17 days early. You insisted on arriving on Grandma Punkie's birthday... How fun was that? You were named after your great, great grandfather. Alanson Huff. People still can't figure out how to pronounce it... We just smile and say "Call him Lance". Your name means "happy one". Anyone who knows you will agree it is the perfect fit. Remember when you were 2 yrs. old and I used to call you my little stud muffin? Then one day you came up to me and said "momma, I an egg." I replied "egg?  you are an egg?" You quickly said ...

Information Overload

Technology. Non-Stop. Bombardment. Which one? What's right?  What's going on? When will the information to my brain stop? Or at least... slow down? I don't want to sound old, but man... we are living in some crazy times. Remember the day when we had one exercise video to choose from? Jane Fonda? Today?  Take your pick... PX90, Insanity, 30 Day Shred, Yoga, Pilates etc. Remember when it was meat & potatoes and canned cream corn for supper?  Oh, and with a side salad made up of iceberg lettuce, carrots and celery? Now?  I am not even sure what to buy at the store.  I just saw an article the other day listing the 10 foods that can kill us -- potatoes, apples and canned tomatoes were on the list!  What in the world? Just when you think you are safe by staying away from the processed foods... now you better beware of the pesticides.  Ugh!  We can't all move to the farm!  [Side note... this post is NOT intended to start an "orga...

A "Light Bulb" Moment

Have you ever had one of those "light bulb" moments? One of those "ding, ding, ding - wake up... what have I been thinking?"  kind of moments??? When it comes to my relationship with Jesus, that is just what has been happening with me of late. I am thick headed though, so maybe it just hasn't been a "moment"... takes a little longer for me.  I'd say more like a process. A few months ago I heard a sermon by Louie Giglio about how so many times we see Jesus/God as this intimidating boss in the sky.  You know, the one who we go to with our requests hoping he grants us what we are asking for... then we just walk away saying "glad that's over". This Jesus that we are talking about is the same one  who in Revelation 3:20 says... "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with me." He wants relationship.  He wants to sit down a...