My Prayer For Today
This video is really speaking to my heart right now.
A sweet new friend pointed me to this song.
It's not easy when you are in a position of leadership...
Whether it's ministry, family, or just plain blogging.
I just hate it when my ego gets in the way...
When I long for the approval of man.
Makes me seriously want to just give up...
Hand in the towel (is that how you say it?).
In this video, Lecrae is has done an amazing job showing us how to pray.
For today Lord... YOU LEAD! I can play the background...
Let me rest in YOU and play the supporting in role in your unfolding story!
A sweet new friend pointed me to this song.
It's not easy when you are in a position of leadership...
Whether it's ministry, family, or just plain blogging.
I just hate it when my ego gets in the way...
When I long for the approval of man.
Makes me seriously want to just give up...
Hand in the towel (is that how you say it?).
In this video, Lecrae is has done an amazing job showing us how to pray.
For today Lord... YOU LEAD! I can play the background...
Let me rest in YOU and play the supporting in role in your unfolding story!