How It All Got Started...

It's been a long process... wrapped in a whole lot of prayer, asking God how we can be a part of what He is doing among the poor and marginalized... in our city and throughout the world.

It started with praying over Isaiah 58:9-11 and believing His Word is TRUE...

9  Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, 'Here I am.' If you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness,
10  if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.
11  And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

At the same time, we were introduced to the fact that slavery still abounds, not only in foreign countries, but even right here in Columbus Ohio.

Then came the question... What do we all do with this information???

We found out there ARE ways to be part of the solution. 

We began by attending a sex-trafficking training seminar....
It was there that She Has A Name first came to our minds. 
We learned that when we are out doing street ministry we are supposed to find out the girl's name first. In the few minutes that we have to speak with her, we are to say her name as much as possible... AND REMEMBER IT... in case we see her the next time we are out.

The reason behind this is simply that her pimp will often tell the "john" (male paying for sex) that "She doesn't have a name. She is whatever you want her to be."  I know... the whole thing is tragic!  
Yet another vivid depiction of a world that would seek to dehumanize a person for financial gain!
At about the same time, we heard a beautiful new song by Donna Stuart that had just come out: 


She has a name, she is somebody’s daughter
she was made in the image of our King
But she’s a slave held captive in chains
In Jesus Name, we have got to do something
LORD devastate- our hearts for the sins in- our own lives
Then shine Your light- through us as You reach out
We want to touch eternity
We want to be Your hands Your feet
Jesus give us eyes to see
Make us part of the solution
To fight in hope with love for peace
Jesus use us as You please
Only You can set them free
But make us part of the solution
We cry out Lord have mercy
Send us out to the poor and hurting
Break walls down so Your Spirit can rush in  (in case you want to hear/buy the song!)
The information we had received... and this song drove us to our knees to pray all the more!
As we began to tell our friends about the street outreach ministry we were doing, they all said the same type of things:
  • "We had no idea it's going on right here in Columbus."
  • "We might not want to get in a van at 10pm and drive into the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city, but we sure do want to do something!"
  • "How can we help??"

We are realizing that this just isn't a "government" issue.  We believe that our government can help in the fight to end this type of slavery... 
It is time for the people of God to not only join in the fight, but to LEAD THE CHARGE!  We can no longer simply close our eyes or turn our backs on this issue.  

You see, we believe that we can be a "part of the solution" to not only end this tragic oppression, but most importantly of all... Offer these women and children the only "TRUE FREEDOM".... which is JESUS CHRIST.  

Thus... the T-SHIRTS :)!  

A simple way to raise awareness about what is going on here in Columbus and abroad... and raise support for the organizations who are in the fight to end human trafficking along with us. 

Here is the link for you to order the shirts...

Join us in the fight!


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