Letter To Dad ~ Year 7
Dad, Here's the thing... seven years without you and I still miss you something terrible. I still can hear your voice and see your silly grin. What I keep thinking about these days is how much I want your legacy to live on... through me and through all of us. And in some crazy kind of way? I think it kind of is. Let me tell you why... Little Livia (side note, I so wish you could have known you) gave me a homemade card on the first day of our family vacation last month. You know what it said? "Grandma, I love you very much and can't wait to dance for you this week!" I know right??? It sounds like something one of your kids/grandkids would have written to you. I'm growing up to be like my daddy. Tears of joy flow freely when I watch our little ladies dance for me. The tears come more now... and I don't mind. The joy of seeing our Alayna walk down the aisle to marry Jake (another side note - I wish he would have known you). Watching Sawyer perform in ...