Toward the end of our Cruiser's class Sunday morning... We had used up all of our tricks. I had danced for the 3 year olds. Lance played baseball, soccer and cars with them. We read about God. We sang about God. And spiders. And bumblebees. We ate Goldfish for a snack. There were potty breaks. Lots of laughter... And tears. We had done it all in an hour and a half. Well... almost all. There was still one trick up our sleeves. Bubbles! Normally Lance does this job. Today, he let me have the pleasure. I can't begin to explain how much these kiddos love bubbles. But as I was busy blowing them... And they were busy chasing and popping them. I noticed something. I would blow the bubbles. They would chase them. And then... They would all just look around at each other. Or down at the floor... Wondering where the bubble went. Except Elliot. He seemed to understand something that the other little ones did not. As soon ...