
Showing posts from January, 2012

Just an Update

Haven't posted a blog in awhile. Changed the look of the blog. Had to add a picture of the ocean. Almost out of January. Yay! Here is some of what has been happening in our life... Christmas was an absolute blur. We averaged 17 people staying in our 3 bedroom house for 3 weeks straight. I'm not even kidding. It was fun... and exhausting... a never ending "Punkie Party". Kevin, Drew and I went to Passion 2012 in Atlanta. God spoke to me in so many ways over the course of those 4 days. I keep thinking I need to share it all with you... just so much to process. One thing for sure...  God is HUGE! Alayna took this sweet picture of our grandbaby in Florida last week.                                             Plans are underway for Kevin, me and our kids to go to Haiti. We have been praying about a "family mission trip" for years. Can't believe it is...