
Showing posts from December, 2010

Celebrating Today

17 years ago today, I sat in a cold dark hospital room recovering from an emergency c-section just a few hours prior... and wondering if our precious little Andrew was going to live or die.  He had been sent off to Toledo Hospital (an hour away) after delivery.  Dr. Matthew came in and gave us the news that our newborn son either had a broken blood vessel or an aneurysm on his brain. My memories of that hospital stay are awful at best.  Let me first say, that I was not walking close to God at that time. I that point, I was simply praying to Him that He would save my son... I knew nothing of the Peace that He had to offer. I felt so alone.  Kev was in Toledo with Drew (where I wanted him to be), and I was in pain!  The hospital was short staffed, so I remember having my breakfast, lunch and dinner trays all piled up in the corner of the room.  I just stared at Katie Couric on The Today Show.  Relief was nowhere to be found. By the way... c-section...


Ahhh...  Quincy (my precious nephew that I babysit) is napping, kids have finished school, dishwasher is running... I have a free minute! I'm thinking that since I have stumbled upon Ann's blog ,  I have somehow been intimidated by her beautiful writing and my brain has been in a fog when it comes to blogging.  Realizing just how completely ridiculous (and sinful!) it is to even compare myself with her... I am back... just being who God has made me to be :). Things are going well with my parents.  I will have to post some pictures when I get another minute... their bedroom is just a little slice of 1123 Schultz St... it's perfect for them. I have to tell you though, that my Dad keeps saying he wants to "go home"....  When we start to respond, he says "I know, you are going to tell me I live here now, but I still want to go home".  It is really hard for me to hear that and not take it personally... and to know that it isn't g...