
Showing posts from August, 2009

Where is our hope?

This Morning I had Fox News on while I was getting ready for work. They had on country singer Darryl Worley singing his song "Sounds Like Life to Me". As I was listening to the words (I must say it has a catchy tune!), I was thinking how at age 39, I can relate: Sarah’s old car’s about to fall apart And the washer quit last week We had to put momma in the nursing home And the baby’s cutting teeth I didn’t get much work this week And I got bills to pay I said I know this ain’t what you wanna hear But it’s what I’m gonna say But... then came the chorus: Sounds like life to me it ain’t no fantasy It’s just a common case of everyday reality Man I know it’s tough but you gotta suck it up To hear you talk you’re caught up in some tragedy It sounds like life to me Here is the second Chorus : Sounds like life to me plain old destiny Yeah the only thing for certain is uncertainty You gotta hold on tight just enjoy the ride Get used to all this unpredictabi...

Facebook Status Updates?

Celebrating Punk and Orv's 60th wedding anniversary tonight... Little Ceasars Pizza and an all out Punkie Party!!! I put this on my Facebook status and as people began to reply (I get text msgs. when they do), Christian started in on the whole "status update ridicule"... I think it is a cool way to let people know... who normally wouldn't know... but might just want to know! You should have seen my mom's face light up as I told her person after person that was congratulating them via Facebook status!!! She loved it! I know that not everyone is too happy with Andrew letting them know EVERY TIME he goes on a run... and EVERY TIME he gets back from a run. I think it is kinda cute though :)!!!

Meet Kessa!

Well, we did it... or should I say Alyssa did it... or should I say GOD DIT IT?!!! Grandma Karen and Grandpa Kevin? Pretty crazy!! Ok, Lance is sitting here beside me as I type this... I am supposed to say... Uncle Drew, Aunt Alayna and most importantly UNCLE LANCE! This is our "family blog" ya know! What a priviledge to be able to be in the room and watch our baby, with the help of her husband (he did a great job... only had to sit down and breathe once!), and Dr. Stockwell, deliver such a precious little gift from God into this world! Grandma Jan (Kevin G's Mom) said Kessa Alaine has long fingers which will be great for "basketball"... RRIIGGTTT!!!! I'm thinking more PIANO :)!! Alyssa asked me to pray with her late last night. I think it is finally hitting her that the worrying just never ends. As we prayed, we just asked God to remind us that He is in control... He loves little Kessa more than we do, and that He gives us just these circumstan...

Little Lambs

I am reading Lev. 5 this morning, thinking how crazy it is that they would have to offer up a lamb for unintentional sin -- thinking about the 600 or so laws they lived by -- What must have that been like?! Then I read Col 3 and am thinking about how we are to live today. We are to seek things above, not things that are on earth. We are to put away anger, wrath, malice, slander etc. and put on compassion, kindness, humility etc. We are to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, and then it goes on.... Wives submit to your husbands. As I am reading this, my husband comes in and asks me to check on my Dad. I *Sigh* and get up, not wanting to be interrupted from my precious time with God. I check on Dad, look at the clock and realize I had better walk now (I need the endorphins). STINK! Looks like a huge thunderstorm is coming. When will I get MY walk in? Mom starts to ask question after question about our local radio stations... she need to find Rush Limbaugh....

Let's try this!

Ok, so I am so good at starting something, and then not seeing it to completion... Probably why I have hesitated so much on starting this whole blog thing! I am also not sure how to make this page look "cool"... That's where my kids come in! So much is happening in our house right now. Mom and Dad are here while Dad rehabs from his total knee replacement. Alyssa just called and things are moving with this baby.... anytime now :)! Isn't just like God to have us in geriatric ministry and new baby mode at the same time??? Such a picture of life! Thanks for stopping by... It's good to have an outlet for my thoughts (other than facebook status!).