You've Got This, Kid.
Kid. My favorite name. Dad called me “kid”. So did Aunt Ruth. My brother Bill does sometimes. Kev does a lot. Oh, and one teacher at Snider. I think he thinks I’m younger than he is. I’ve got him by about 5 years. I’m not gonna ever tell him. I like when he says it. Why? What feelings does it bring up? Kid and Kiddo. I know I really am a kid at heart. I just somehow think it makes me feel safe. Protected. Like someone older and wiser cares about me. Is looking out for me. Knows me enough to call me “kid”. I’m the baby of our family. Not only my immediate family. Also the baby of all the cousins on both sides. And you know what they say about that, right? Once the baby, always the baby. I’m pretty sure I was spoiled. Spoiled rotten? Hmmm... Maybe? But I will say I have spent a good amount of my adult life trying to figure out what is going on with the kid inside of me. Just who little Karen was and still is. What makes her afraid and what brings her ...